Admissions Procedure
The Meadows School is a community special school maintained by Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council (SMBC), educating students aged 11-19 with severe learning difficulties, including the following:
- Profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD)
- Complex autism
- Sensory processing difficulties
- Learning difficulties with challenging behaviours
Students are predominantly from Sandwell local authority, with some travelling from surrounding areas. Admission to the school occurs at all ages and at all points in the year. All students have an Education, health and care plan (EHCP).
Students can only be admitted to the school following a referral by the Local Education Authority. Assessment places can only be arranged on an individual case by case basis by the local authority. Following a referral by the LA, the school will contact parents to arrange admission.
The Meadows School published admission number (PAN) is 215, including sixth form. The Meadows School Sixth form provision will be arranged between parents/carers, school and SMBC through the transitional EHCP review process, supported by the school’s connexions advisor Pam Brown.
Please see the Sandwell Schools Admissions Booklet. This details information on:
How to contact your local authority to find out about admissions including;
- Applications for every age group including in-year admissions
- How to contact your local authority to find out about the process of making appeals and the timetable for organising and hearing admission appeals
- All admissions are dealt with by our Assistant Headteacher, Sam Forbes, following the Service Level Agreement set out by SMBC.
Admissions Booklet
Please also see our Admissions Policy for further information
Admission Policy
If you have any queries, please contact the office on 0121 569 7080 who will be happy to answer your questions.