Parents & Carers
It is daunting to think of life for you and your child after The Meadows. There is so much information available to help you but knowing what to do is scary. Here at The Meadows we want to help as much as we can.
Click on the tabs below to access more information about some future destinations and the courses on offer.
Aspire Works is all geared up for students to get those all-important employability skills. There is a commercial print room, engineering workshop and retail showroom all managed by their learners and their supportive tutors.
Sandwell College have a range of programmes designed to cater for a wide range of students, with a high level of support that ensures each individual is given a learning experience appropriate to their needs. Our students have an excellent record of progressing, and almost all go on to mainstream College courses or an advanced level of study/
The Futures Programme is aimed at young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and/or an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
The supported learning courses can be stepping stones to either higher levels of study or greater independence. We also offer individualised personal support plans that are tailor-made to suit students’ specific needs.
The Willow Tree provides a safe and stimulating working environment for learners and all staff ensure students experience a rich and exciting curriculum tailored to their specific needs. Staff ensure a multi-sensory approach to learning, providing a Total Communication Environment, which facilitates communication for all, and following strategies as outlined in individual student behaviour support or ASD plans. Students are encouraged to be as independent as possible in their learning by establishing routines and schedules. They are empowered in their learning through the negotiation of individual success criteria, adapted to their level of understanding. |
The National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work. |
If you have any worried or concerns about moving forward please contact us:
You can contact Pam Brown at Connexions (see Connexions section)
This is a useful website available to look at for advice.
Helpful Information